Constant's pations

If it's more than 30 minutes old, it's not news. It's a blog.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Illegal US Government War Crimes Against US Civilians

There will be a time when you may wish to revisit this.

[Direct Link to this content: Swift Luck Greens ]

Ref Indiana Facility.

Welcome To Swift Luck Green

The content below is designed to give you some background links about the detention camp in Wyoming, and point you to other links related to camp research.

You may find the information useful if the camp is activated, and you are wondering what you might do to prepare yourself.

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Come Back For Other Information

There's other stuff to skim. Come back and visit blog content -- it's thought provoking about today's political events. Share with your friends. Lots of new ideas and thoughts from a unique perpsective. Here's a sample:

Constant's Pations Little Known Secrets

Hidden Profile

A. Started the State Proclamations to Impeach the President;

B. Top Blog on Internet For Information on alleged illegal NSA intetception methods here;

C. Author of the now-famous quote Barbra Streisand shared with the world;

D. Nationally recognized on Radio Open Source;

E. First brought to national attention when O'Reilly had a spat with Al Franken.

While visiting, you may wish to visit the table of Contents, and the main blog for commentary on current events. Share the link for this site with your friends, there's an RSS feed.

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Basic Questions

The information below relates to the Swift Luck Greens, WY facility photographs, links below.

____ Why would the DHS publish these photos, then remove them?

____ If the planned activities at the camp were/are appropriate, why not let the world know the US government had learned the lessons of Abu Ghraib and open the US camps to independent monitors, auditors, and oversight?

____ Should this information be openly discussed in SEC filings; do the auditors have an excuse why nothing should be reviewed; and how many consulting contracts do the AbraxasCopr-related auditors have related to these activities?

____ Is there evidence of illegal conduct; is the activity a war crime; or is there another explanation for what is happening?

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DHS Camp Links

Photos: Photos: Download, save, and forward the info to everyone. [Source of images: Map Ref ]

Program: Ref Army Inmate Labor Program PDf

Ref Member of Congress letter on civilian work camps, numbering into 800s.

Maps: Ref Photos for you to see, loaded, with a discussion.

Ref Google Satellite Map of the Camp in Wyoming.

Ref Links to other maps of the location.

Ref Map: Commercial roads near the WY camp.

Discussion Raw Katsiva Atrios

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Local Employment

You could be a ranch hand in the local area: Ref

Weather Conditions

Notice the paths between the facilities: They appear to have been removed with snow blowers. Despite the sun's angle, there are now shadows along the paths suggesting the snow was removed not with a minature tractor but with a snow blower requiring diesel support.

The weather conditions appear most favorable to melting ice; however, despite the freezing temperatures, the lack of ice on the wet paths, suggest the paths are elevated.

If we are to believe that the facility is not related to prisons, the question becomes: How much activity is occurring underground inside the buildings; and is the facility a series of interconnected tunnels for an alternate command post or backup location for continuing US government operations.

____ Do the reported weather conditions in Casper on the listed date match the photo details?

Yes. You can change the date in this URL to check when the snow fell: Ref

There was a big snowfall on the 12th of March, and the temperatures dropped very low the next day.

Once the snow started to melt with the high temperatures, but froze in the evening with the sub zerio temperatures, this would turn to ice; but the patterns on the ground suggest the ice has been removed, and not allowed to accumulate.

There was a light dusting of snow three days prior indicating: The paths around the facility would have had to have already been swept; but the temperature in the following days was not high enough to melt all this snow. Someone would have had to have cleared the paths well before this snowfall, and have been on the ground doing this work. This suggests the personnel working on the ongoing maitnenance-snow removal are not driving to the location, but are actively assigned and stationed there on a day to day basis, perhaps in trailers outside the range of the photos.

What You Can Do

If there is no problem, lets get a straight story. US prisons are subject to public oversight. Perisoners are not to be mistreated. It is meaningless what does or does not happen -- the issue is whether the prisoners are or are not meeting their requirements to provide reasonable accommodations.

Encourage your friends to contact the Media like CNN and encourage a discussion of the following questions and issues.

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Followup With the Masters Candidate

Ref One Kos Diarist in Jan 2006 raised the issue, disclosing they were doing research for a MA in Communications on issues which the MSM were missing. One issue was the KBR Camp Contract of $380M. Their stated goal was to raise awarness and not research the specific issue. Ref

___ What effort has anyone made to follow-up on the issue with the Master's candidate?

___ To what extent is the issue being reaised as a legitimate concern?

___ How will the remarks be used in a subsequent Master's Thesis presentation?

___ Does the Masters Candidate at Kos plan to provide a copy of the Master's Thesis for the Kos community to openly review?

___ What happens if there are comments made on public websites that are not appropriately cited in the Master's candidate thesis?

___ Will there be an independent review of the candidate's these to ensure that any and all comments have or have not been appropriately cited; and that all work is apprpriately attibuted?

___ How much online discussion does the Master's Thesis hope to generate with this issue to prompt people to make comments for subsequent study, examination, or other reviews for purpsoes of assisting KBR or other firms in creating media messages to sell this activity to the American public?

___ Is the Masters candidate getting direct or indirect funding from KBR, the US government, or any other entity or intermediary which may or may not have an interest in favorably portraying the information to avoid Congressional oversight?

___ Does anyone have any notes, e-mails, or other subsequent information from the Master's candidate after the issue was first raised?

___ What are the prospects these issues, concerns, and other details realted to this camp in Wyoming will or will not be satisfactorily reviewed by the upcoming Congress?

___ Does the Master's candidate have additional information, other than what was originally disclosed in Jan2006, indicating the government is or is not doing something appropriate?

___ What is the Master's candiate's view on the overall coverage of the issues in the MSM?

___ What specific answers, information, evidence, or specific things would satisfy the Master's candidate that the issue is appropriately overseen, managed, and effectively understood by the public and Congress?

Mine Discussion and Public Reporting

KBR has publicly released information related to the 2006 380M contract award. The disclosure states the intended use of the facility. KBR is a publicly traded company on the NYSE and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

___ What is your basis for concern, belief, or contention that the KBR press release stating the intended DHS-ICE function is or is not correct?

___ If you believe, or have evidence that the public information related to this activity is or is not correct, do you have a reason for not providing your evidence to the Securities and Exchange Commission in re PSLRA, Rule 10b-5 which requires all publicly traded companies to provide accurate information to the public?

___ Has the SEC been provided this information, but has not reviewed the matter because the actual operation is something else?

___ Does anyone have a plan to format your concerns into a viable complaint with the SEC; or does someone else have an explanation why alleged misleading information in the press release has or has not been reported, investigated, or provided to the appropriate regulatory authorities overseeing a listed company?

Plunger points out: Shashonee Mine shut down in 2000, possibly creating the site for the camps. [See: Hanna Coal Basin - Carbon County ] Plunger: Judge's ruling reversed. The court's findings of safety violations was effectively thrown out. Overturning the judge's ruling would do the opposite and keep the mine open, not closing it for DHS. Feel free to discuss your scenario:

___ What is your view on the relevance does the 2004 case have with the 2001 end of mining operations?

___ If the mine is allowed to stay open, how does this fit in with the 2004 KBR Contract that would possibly rely on it being closed?

___ Is there something else that specifically says that the mine was closed despite the review Commissions conclusion which overturned the Judges ruling?

___ Is it your view that KBR has taken over a mine that shut down operations, the government cited it for bogus safety violations? If so, once the safety violations were thrown out, this would keep the mine open. Is it your view that the mine remains open, but is not actively being used, for purposes to be understood?

___ If the US government was creating a concentration camp, why would they care whether there were or were not safety violations?

___ If there is a problem with the mind, but the mining officials have overturned it, why would anyone care whether the photos were or were not posted?

___ If the mine is open, but is not actively working, what would be the reason for being concerned that the mine photos -- linked with known information that the mine was closed -- were or were not disclosed?

___ If the mine is open, but is not actively being used, and the US coal supply requirements are being met, is it your view that the mine will be used not to engage in bonafide, productive work to conduct mining operations?

___ Is it your view that the mine is something else, or that something else is being put inside the mine?

___ Is it your view that the mine will be restarted not to mine coal, but to create an underground facility for another purpose?

___ Please discuss your views on what the underground facility located in the mine shaft might be used for, it's purpose?

___ Is it possible that the labels on the images are not related to the actual intended use of the facility -- and is unrelated to any prisoner activity -- but could be something else: An underground continuing US government operations facility in the event of a problem in DC?


Whether the mine is or is not being used is irrelevant. The issue is whether the stated government intention, as reported in the KBR press release, substantially differs from what the open, capital market is relying.

___ Who has evidence that the KBR press release is inaccurate, and the actual operations are for something other than what the open market is relying?

___ Which SEC-registered securities lawyer has reviewed these legal issues in terms of their PSRLA and Rule 10b-5 issues?

___ Which SEC lawyer in the enforcement division, by name, has specifically reviewed these allegations?

___ Which Congressional Staffers are aware of these legal issues, questions, and what is their plan to forward a staff package to the appropriate Members of Congress and Committees for review?

___ What reviews have occurred, what were their findings, and is there a basis to believe that the Congressional oversight was incomplete; what is the plan to forward the specific issues, concerns, and evidence of alleged wrong doing to the US Attorney?

____ Is there any evidence that Members of Congress know of an alleged problem, violation of the law, or other illegal activity and have not reviewed these matters?

____ Who specifically is aware of an allegation of illegal activity; and how was this allegedly known-planned violation of the law documented in the Title 28 and Title 50 Exception reports?

____ Is it someone's contention that Members of Congress and Staff Counsel and others know of alleged illegal activity, or planned illegal activity, but have not properly documented their concerns, nor overseen the Title 28 and Title 50 exception reports as the law provides?

____ Does anyone have any other concern, issue, comment, or question related to this activity that has not been adequately addressed; or is there specific evidence that the intended use of these facilities is not consistent with the stated purposes; or that the planned use of these facilities is contrary to what the law permits?

____ Are we dealing with an illegal plan by the US government to, in the absence of an insurrection, rebellion, invasion, or civil disturbance, to do something that the Government is not allowed to do, should not be permitted to do, or warrants outside review?

____ What is the appropriate method to effectively oversee these operations so that they are not permitted to be poorly managed as were the facilities in GTMO, Guantanamo, and Abu Ghraib?

___ Does Congress have a plan to effectively oversee these operations, provide a fully accounting to the public, and ensure the appropriate health and safety standards are met?

____ Does someone inside the Department of Justice, connected to US Prison management contracts, have any input to what is or is no effectively working at US prisons?

____ Is there a pattern of prison management when, in the wake of a fast US government action, would suggest that the US government might commit abuses, or harm prisoners in a foreseeable way?

____ What inputs, comments, and recommendations do experts in prison management have to ensure that possible violations of human rights do not occur; and those camp security personnel are appropriately trained to ensure prisoners are appropriately managed?

____ Is there something specific that would suggest that these camps are for an ill-purpose, that there are other camps, and the intention of the camp is to do something that is contrary to what the contractor and government have issued in public statements?

____ If there is no problem with the planned activities, why is DHS reluctant to permit satellite photos from being openly discussed, reviewed?

____ Does DHS have specific comments as to why an alleged US-government-connected prison facility should or should not be subject to fully public oversight, discussion, commentary, and examination?

____ Can DHS explain why, despite alleged direction to a satellite company to provide these photos, that the photos were removed?

____ Does the US government comprehend that there is an apparent disconnect: on one hand arguing that the facility is for a bonafide purpose; while on the other hand, removing information which might be useful to periodically monitor, audit, inspect, and be useful in testing whether the prisoners are or are not properly housed as Congress intends them to be?

____ Does DHS have a plan to fully disclose the details of what is going on and explain why the images were removed?

____ If the DHS contract is for a lawful, reasonable purpose, why not inspire public confidence that oversight will occur, and the US government can effectively check power by leaving the images on the DHS website: "Here, we are doing the right thing, and plan to faithfully ensure all prisoners detained are humanely treated. We open ourselves to examination, audit, and are confident our planned operations are for a reasonable purpose."

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Geneva Issues

Remains to be understood whether camps are intended to be used for combat operations-support; or domestic-only. Geneva does not apply to domestic insurrections, only to transnational combat operations. You may presume Geneva and the alleged crisis will be interpreted to not intersect, and ICRC most likely will be prohibited from entering the facility for inspections.

Geneva issues are matters of law, and the US government may or may not be breaching the Conventions with these facilities. This is the contact information for the German war crimes prosecutor: [ Click for contact info ]

DHS Information


Ref Denver Spy Files.

Ref JTTF personnel contact list: Note all names and addresses are close to the subject DHS Facility.

DHS System Program Office, where funds routed for 3020 Construction, then subsequent maintenance for the DHS facilities.

Ref Background on DHS-KBR contracting issues.

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Satellite Information

Ref Casper track for Quickbird 2

Ref Quickbird 2, launched 2001 NORAD Number 26953 -- apparent satellite which took the images for the company listed.

May be useful to monitor in the future as other images surface. Knowing the satellite location may be useful in confirming whether the displayed images were or were not taken by the asserted-satellite. [If the satellite was in the wrong position relative to the ground target and date-time of the image based on the sun-location-shadows, we know the personnel providing image-details are not being accurate. For what reason remains to be explored.]

Ref Sun Table: Input Casper Long Lat, Date on photos
[ Casper, WY +42.84670 -106.31300]

Satellite Tracking

Attempting to find an online system that tracks satellites: Something that allows me to enter the long/latitude of Casper; then see on a specific day [24 Mar 2006], where a specific satellite was located, using the known apogee/perigee info.

Most sites only show forecasts.

Ref This site: Enter "list"; then "previous day" to manually click backwards to 24 Mar 2006, but is only specific for a few satellites.

___ How can I upload known satellite data, and find out where it was at a given time/date in history? Everything is predictive/forecasting. Nothing in [ satellite history/satellite tracking path ], or [ satellite historical track ].

Using a simple spreadsheet, there is a way to find the approximate location of the satellite on a given day, even in history. It is not exact, but will serve our purposes. There are two ways.

One, find the satellite launch time, the review the times it was in orbit, and work forward from launch time to the date on the photograph.

Alternatively, you can work backwards from the most recent polar orbits available in the open software. We know approximately how long each orbit takes. Using today's data, we can subtract the time for each orbit, find the days elapsed since the data on the photograph, and subtract successive orbit numbers until we find a satellite orbit that coincides with the data of the photograph. Assuming about 90 minutes per orbit, there will be approximately 18 orbits on that day.

Your goal will be to get an approximate orbit number that would match the most likely satellite angle/position of the observed azimuth angle depicted in the shadow.

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The story of Donald Vance reminds American citizens what the US government is capable of doing: Committing war crimes against cooperative, supporting, and loyal American civilians.

Until the US Congress compels the illegal combat operations to end, the US government should be expected to bungle other efforts to blame others. The US government does not have the resources it needs to competently implement a police state. Although martial law cannot credibly be imposed, this does not prevent the US government from passing laws which legalize the abuse of American citizens, or attempting to do so. The operation will likely be poorly managed. Your job will be to notice what is not working effectively.

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Camp Detention

You may forget many of this, but perhaps it will return when you need it. Keep the faith. Others outside are working to lawfully end this.

As you might look to the other side of your cell, know observers, foreign fighters, and war crimes prosecutors have the location of the camps; recovery plans; names of the contractors involved; have the location under observation; and the liberation teams are on the way.

Your situation is not permanent. They've botched the operations in Katrina and Iraq. The US government cannot credibly train or manage these operations.

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War crimes prosecutors need the following:

___ Documents, schedules of work plans, construction, and personnel movement

___ Meeting minutes

___ Copies of contracts

___ Signed policy memoranda

___ Memoranda of agreement, letters

___ Equipment transport and coordination methods

___ Copies of budgets, schedules, presentations

___ Locations of data files: Who's being targeted; and the round up schedules.

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Once you are inside, this is what is needed:

___ Schedules for food deliveries

___ Rotation cycles for camp assignments

___ Distance of each camp from the nearest water supply

___ Names of DoD/DHS counsel assigned to camp management.

* **

While inside the camp attempt to do the following:

___ Organize leadership

___ Maintain your dignity

___ Help others out

___ Monitor the discipline of the camp personnel

Remember the following things and note closely:

___ Color and shape of the weapons

___ Whether the camp guards uniforms match

___ The clothing tags of the camp guards

___ Whether prison guards greet each other by name, salute, or are low in morale.

There will likely be a manning shortage. The most loyal and compliant ones will be given more responsibility. These duties may include the following, which may put you in a position to find out more. Remember not to abuse your privilege and trust or harm other Americans. Rather, you can pretend your loyalty is for one thing, while you remember what you are trying to do: Learn more.

___ If you are a cook or on meal delivery detail, note the terrain, and time it takes to travel. You may be driven on irregular routes. However, as you near your destination point, just prior to offload, you will hear familiar sounds. Note them. When you return to camp, share this with others. With time, you will learn the sounds and details of your travel.

Practice estimating the speed of cars while you are driving; then as a passenger. Estimate how long you are traveling. Your time in the car will give you an idea of how far you have traveled. You may not go straight, but you can get an idea of how long you have traveled, and the approximate distance. Remember this and share it with others. This will help others understand what is going on. Find someone who understands that your little piece of information is important. If someone isn’t listening, you’re talking to the wrong person. Someone will understand – you might be the one who can put it all together. It will only take one person. It might be you. You might have to be the one that leads, even if you think you are not ready.

If you are deprived of all senses -- having your ears, eyes, mouth covered -- your job will be to note the time it takes for you to complete your task. Practice with your friends estimating how much time has passed. You will not be exact, but you can make guesses.

___ How long did it take to travel

___ How many boxes did you move

___ How long did it take your work detail to do its job

___ How many people did you contact

___ How long did it take to load the busses

___ What did the material next to your body feel like

___ What the object soft, hard, made of metal, plastic, or leather

All the steps can be added up: To make a single picture from start to finish. Then we can get an idea of what is happening, the numbers, and where to look. If we know that certain things are likely happening, but we’re only getting partial information, then we know to look elsewhere.

Share this with others. You will find patterns. There is something called statistics or regression analysis. The little pieces of information you collect can be analyzed by your friends inside. Someone will know how to do this. Share what you conclude. This will be helpful for others.

___ If you are near food details, note the types of cardboard boxes. You may not be able to see a label, but the type of package is only produced in a specific location. This will be important to notice. Others will be able to track where the boxes were made, how they were shipped, and which contracts and funding are connected to this.

___ If you are on a laundry detail, look for markings on the clothing, note the way the clothing is made: This is distinctive. For an example, look to the bottom of this for the shirt: [ Read below the shirt ]

As a demonstration of how this is done, notice this photograph, then look at the discussion below to see what it reveals. You can do the same. Every detail can make the difference, and can help identify funding, control, and responsibility. One detail is always linked to something else. Always. Every detail you notice is important. You are not alone. Millions will eventually know the truth. The US government cannot destroy the truth.

* * *

Remind you captors that you are an American citizen. So are they. They have children. Ask them to consider what they would want for their children if their children were locked away like this.

While inside, let others know: The world knows what is happening, teams are ready to release you, and we are working to ensure this does not happen again.

Look for signs of support along your route. They will be hidden, but are there. The release teams around your camp will be attempting to communicate with you and annoy the guards. The American government provides poor training. Always remember, We outnumber them -- more are on the way to help you.

The camp locations are known. They are under surveillance. Safe areas are prepared to ensure your safety when you are released. When you are released, be proud of what you have done: Prevailed over tyranny. Others are ready to hear your story.

Good luck. We look forward to learning more and remain ready.

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Ref Sample Camps: Immigrant Camps



I've read a lot about these camps, and they truly do exist. It makes me wonder what the gov't has in mind. Are these camps to imprison the Illegals? Maybe the Islamics? How about the liberals/political dissidents? Could be for anyone who doesn't agree with the administration. What exactly does the gov't have in mind? They can't be to imprison a chunk of the populace, as they aren't big enough and there aren't enough of them to be able to accomodate a large segment of the population. But, maybe, just maybe, they don't have to be. If enough folks see that the gov't is dragging citizens off in the middle of the night to these camps, everyone would start toeing the line, and that would be good enough, the camps will have served their purpose. This looks like a distinct possiblity to me. I am really curious about this subject and would be interested in hearing what other folks have to say about this subject. Whatever these camps are for, it can't be pretty...

Posted by: nikolai
Date: December 22, 2006 12:11 PM

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PreEngagement Surveillance Plan

Notice the DHS photographs. One of them specifically mentions furniture construction.

This is what’s needed:

___ What type of furniture?

___ Please indicate the styles

___ What is the method the finished goods would be provided for subsequent use

___ Will the goods be available only to government employees

___ Is there a chance that the goods of the manufacturing facility might be available to non-government personnel

___ Where are the raw materials coming from

* * *

Until overhead photos of 2007 confirm the facility layout, presume for the moment that the photographs are not real – they may be, but they could be mockups.

Using the photographs, here’s what’s available:

___ Location of guards

___ Number of guard, support personnel

___ Maximum capacity of the camp: Size, number of personnel, families, and prisoners

___ Estimate of total number of camps to support the forecasted scenarios

___ Local staging areas

___ Routes food and camp supplies are being brought in, secure areas, check points along the routes into/out of the camp

___ Estimated map of check points and radio calls

___ Support base location

___ Support agreements

___ Convoy staging areas

___ Fuel, food, and supply schedule times on rail and road

___ Sensors, number of fences, and age of photographs

___ Estimated response times

___ Travel routes along game trails and other backcountry support lines

* * *

Local aircraft support: Consider the Vice President will have support when he travels any action at the camp could easily be supported by local bases, Denver JTTF, and consider the Denver Spy Files.

Until confirmed, you may presume the US Army Corps of Engineers, working through DHS, has subcontracted with Halliburton and KBR. Contracting is most likely through Denver, with payments in and out of Columbus.

You may presume that the guards on patrol around the camp have a contractor-related award fee based on response times; and that the contractor has been trained, tested without no-notice; and that the guard training is substantially similar to what failed in Eastern Europe, Guantanamo, and the Texas Prison system.

You should expect the roving security teams to challenge anyone, whether they are lost travelers, hunters on foot, or people engaging in exercise. Your names will be documented, identification verified, and when detained your party will be separated, isolated, and kept well apart from each other.

There are helicopter, fighter, tanker, and transport aircraft support units to the East in Cheyenne and South, and can approach from any direction. If needed, bomber units from the far west could be brought in within minutes, and B2s have been spotted. Fighters include the F-16, and Helicopters can include the UH-1/CH-1 for convoy support. As required, larger transport helicopters can be brought into the staging areas.

The terrain is well away from the large Rocky Mountains, with small gullies, smaller than those in Iran and Afghanistan.

You may presume that the sensors on the fences are motion detectors. Personnel have penetrated the weapons-support facilities moving very slowly and were not detected, and the alarms did not activate. Personnel know how to enter, move through, and exit the facility without detection. Supervisors also conduct no-notice tests to evaluate the guard and security systems.

JTT forces can be presumed to be well supported from Denver and to the East, with staging areas in the local area.

* * *

What’s needed

Names of the personnel working in DHS and KBR-Halliburton who developed the contracts, and the contractor-government liaison office. Please include the tax, e-mail, and other identifying information.

You may wish to cross reference the google maps, noting the distances and roads graded after the google maps were published.

Please identify the specific JTTF personnel assigned to the Denver Office, and the meeting times and locations for the planned support. There are memorandums of agreement with the Dodd installations to the east and Southeast in Colorado.

Be advised you are not asked to do anything illegal. The above information is related to alleged war crimes planning, and has been forwarded to the German War Crimes prosecutor.

Please discuss what contractors were told:

___ Under what circumstances would this camp be used

___ What method will be used to determine

If we assume that the camp is for a "contingency", couple of problems with the photographs. If the facility is not being used, and is only being constructed, and not linked with actual operations, issues.

1. Nomenclature not consistent with operations

Normal vehicle bays have an entrance and an exit. The maximum security image shows at the southern edge of the compound something called a maintenance shop. However,

___ Why does the maintenance bay only have a one-way door:

___ Why is the southern maintenance adjacent to the retaining wall

___ Where is the exit, at the opposite end of the entrance door

2. Problems with Threshing Label

A “threshing” facility, is not something that would require transport to a central area. Threshing, if it were occurring using modern machinery, would simultaneously separate the wheat from the chaff in the field, as opposed to transporting the wheat to a central threshing area.

If the threshing field were real, this would imply that diesel engines were not being used to harvest the grain; and that there was insufficient fuel to power any machinery. However, this is not consistent with the overall heating requirements of the facility. We see no evidence that there are steam clouds, indicating heating by steam; nor is there apparent evidence of steam pipes providing the heating.

Having a threshing area, without the diesel to transport the wheat from the fields to the threshing area, would imply manual, primitive labor.

The labels could be a mockup to show what a facility – located in another country – might look like under similar conditions in the United States. It is possible that the layout is a pre-constructed city to provide Satellites and imagery analysis with a calibration tool against a known target in the US; then compare the analysis with a subsequent over flight time in the target country with similar operations, facility sizes, or other things.

3. Contingent family housing shows evidence of snow clearing

A contingent operation would not be used, and the snow would not be removed. The snow removal suggests the facility is active.

___ Why is snow being removed from the paths between family housing?

___ Could the revelations on the DHS site have been a deliberate error: To make the public believe that the facility (possibly an active facility for something else) was a camp, but could be related to something entirely different?

4. Use of high risk weapons, cutting devises in a high security facility.

Prisoners could be searched prior to entering an exiting a facility. However, it is problematic to have prisoners around sharp objects, especially tools. It's not consistent to call the facility a "high security" facility, but describe various facility operations as having some connection with leather production, leather tanning, or cutting activities.

The names of the facilities by each of the numbers could be a code word for something else.

___ Recheck the shadows, and see if they are changing.

5. Perimeter Fence Shadows

Northern retaining wall on the Maximum Security facility, running at a 45-degree angle, from the west to the north, at a North-East angle, shows evidence of a barbed wire fence.

___ Look closely at the shadow along the northern edge; this appears to be high security Constantine wire, not barbed wire.

* * *


The intended use of the facility is not consistent with the labels, layout, and apparent operational status. If the facility is operational, but there are no prisoners reported of having been detained, the revelations on DHS website could have been a ruse to distract attention from another activity.

Rather than being a prisoner facility, the sites could be something benign, such as an operational site for a new weapons support system. This possibility is discounted considering the concentration of the operations with the living quarters.

It's possible the overhead images are covering something much larger underground, and the surrounding terrain has been adjusted to appear to be terrain, but is a covering tarp for a complete city. This could be a command post for national missile defense, or a backup military headquarters in the event primary operational sites are destroyed or not operational.

___ Cross check operations, layout, and facility use as a backup governmental operations site for key government leaders in the event on an attack on DC.

Medical Facility Analysis

[Direct Link to this content: Swift Luck Greens ] Problem: "Swift Luck Greens" is not associated with a common term.
[Direct Link to this content: Swift Luck Greens ]

___ Is it possible someone in the commercial sector has had this image loaded to DHS as part of a commercial promotion effort?

___ Is it possible that SLG has been assumed to be a real name, but actually relates to "State and Local Guide"?

___ Which of the Classified Intel Link systems is the “Swift Luck Greens” term associated with?

* * *

Let's consider the medical compound.

Scenario: The picture is of a non-operational prisoner location

Assumptions [may be invalid, not consistent with reality]:

1. The date on the Mar 2006 is valid;

2. The DHS facility is not operational

3. The facility is a contingent location for prisoner management.

If we assume that the facility was fabricated exclusively for DHS prisoner management, there are a couple of problems with the photo:

Hospital Facility [at 1]

Note closely on the Southern asphalt area, you will see what appears to be oil stains on the asphalt.

As a comparison, you can cross check the parking patterns with the facility photographs outside the McClean facility.

Not closely that the black-dark stains on the asphalt appear regularly, spaced.

However, the shadows on the facility [west of/next to the facility adjacent to the number 4, "Guard room"] has patterns suggesting trees.

However, this is not supported by the wildlife-foliage along the northern edge of the road-boulevard running southwest, to northeast.

The shadow pattern on the asphalt to the south of the Hospital [1] appears to be regularly spaced oil spills, suggesting the facility is related to an office or maintenance facility, not necessarily a building that has been recently fabricated for medical uses.

Rather, the oil splotches, if they are from vehicles, suggest that the facility has been around for a number of years.

The apparent civilian-residential Housing on the South side of the medical compound, with the associated trees, suggests that the buildings and non-designated civilian housing have been around for a while, not recently built.

The foliage is sparse, unlike the foliage along the southern side of the wide boulevard. The homes look to be high-end estates, not something connected with grain production. What is curious is that these apparent dwelling are located in the middle of office space, entirely inconsistent with the supposed "secret" prison facility.

Note also there is little evidence that there is recently graded ground, suggesting that the community is fairly stable, there is no open terrain which land developers are actively working.

The above suggests a number of issues, not consistent with the premised prison facility:

___ How could this many apparent high end residential homes be around these types of buildings, but nobody would notice anything

___ Who is living adjacent to the supposed prison facility

___ How long has the Hospital [at 1] been around

___ What was the facility originally designed

___ Was the building a formerly-associated complex with a non-DHS entity, perhaps a DoD depot function

If these facilities are related to DoD operations, the issue may be question of DoD hiding domestic operations, construction, and other things that should be reported under the 3020 funding line to Congress.

___ Are there any records of whom or what may have been previously constructed

___ Where is the operations and maintenance funding coming from

___ Is the money being sent overseas, to support what SecDef is authorized to use as a commercial entity, but the funds are re-routed out of DoD into DHS

* * *

Note also the curiosity: The Dining Hall for the Guards [at 3] is adjacent to the Dining hall for Detainees [at 5]. The more logical layout would have placed the guard room [at 4], adjacent to the Dining Hall [at 3];

__ Why is the dining hall for the detainees at 5, and not at 4?

___ Why is the Dining Hall for the Guards [at 3] not adjacent to number 4?

___ What is in building, just north of the number 4; why wasn't the Guard Dining Hall located closer, adjacent to the guard room?


The box with numbers 1-5 designated "Features" could be a mockup

The numbers do not logically match what would be described an efficient facility layout plan.

If the compound -- as a whole -- is a bonafide DHS support facility, but was a former DoD facility, previously gutted, this would suggest that any building-function could be located anywhere.

Note: There is no specific designation for the prisoners in the medical center. They are only mentioned in terms of cells or dining.

___ Is there no plan to provide prisoners access to the main medical center?

___ Where is the medical center for prisoners?

___ Why isn't the prisoner entry-exit for hospital access logically located closest to the medical facility at [at 4], rather than [at 2 or 5]

Relying only on the images and numbers, it suggest that the Guards are located in the very entry-exit location that would best support prisoner entry-exit to the medical Felicity.

* * *

Note: Personnel are not consistently designated:

___ Why are some people referred to as "prisoners" while others are referred to as detainees?

___ How many non-US nationals does DHS, JTTF, or DoD plan to house at this location?

___ Is there a reason that prisoners are not consistently called prisoners?

___ How is the change in designation related to the apparent status of a detainee under Geneva?

___ What inputs do personnel with knowledge of the SecDef 5100.77 Laws of war Program have of this facility layout?

* * *

Problem: Foliage and Snow Analysis not Consistent

1. Different Snow Patterns

Snow patterns in open terrain of alleged “same camp” are not consistent between [a] the Maximum Security facility and the Medical facility. There is no snow around the Medical Facility; while the snow patterns around the Maximum security facility are much different.

[a] Large camp: Medical facility is very far from the Maximum Security prison;
[b] Uncommon camp: the facilities are not part of the same camp;
[c] Demonstration: the images are unrelated to a common operation, but have been grouped together for demonstration purposes;
[d] Time phasing: the images were taken during different seasons;
[e] Non-US: the facilities in the different images are not located in the same country; or
[f] Image alteration: some of the images have been flipped, reversed, or reoriented without consideration whether the axis were properly aligned with the north-south meridians

2. Image Comment Problems

The times depicted on the photos are not consistent with the angle of the sunlight. The image has an afternoon time, while the shadows suggest the images were taken in the mid to late morning. It is possible that someone else, other than who knows what is in the building has added information about the time the photo was taken; but these comments are not first hand knowledge of the camp layout or building functions.

It’s possible that someone, not familiar with the images, has added the comments about something they know nothing about; and the same person added [a] the times of the photos; and [b] the facility utilization without knowing [c] the depicted times in the shadows are not consistent with the stated times in the comments.

3. Depicted Plants Might Freeze in Asserted Geolocation.

The medical facility has a line of trees on the boulevard; however it may be too cold to grow these plants. It appears the lowest recorded temperature in this geolocation exceeds by orders of magnitude the tolerable limits of the depicted foliage. The plants could be something else; or the image may not be of a location in Wyoming.

The maximum low temperature for the region is lower than the maximum low tolerance level for the depicted foliage. Wyoming maximum low is -30 degrees lower than the maximum low temperature of the most likely foliage depicted in the image.

Ref Lombardy Poplar: Details on soil compatibility; max lowest temp -28.

Ref Lowest recorded temp in Wyoming is -66

Other Images

Ref Boulevard trees could be Elms.

Ref Quercus Robur is rounder, smaller relative to boulevard images.

Ref Gray alders are shorter, rounder.

Ref Taxodium distichum has seasonal change of colors, not full foliage as depicted in the image.

Ref Willows are near streams, and rounder than trees on boulevard.

Ref Roble is less symmetrical than trees on boulevard.


Detailed analysis is needed to confirm:

___ Where is the physical location of the objects depicted in the image

___ Why are the added comments on the image indicating times that are not consistent with the most likely photograph times

___ Has someone else, outside those who know the image contents, added the information about the camp location, contents, layout, and time the images were taken


___ Images are possibly not of the same facility, but have been grouped into a single composite

___ The images may be from different times of the year without sufficient notation

___ The dates and times on the images are not when the images were taken, but when the images were copied on the internet; if this is the case, then the added comments using the same font may not be on the original image, and have been added later.

___ The images may depict structures in the Southern Hemisphere

Possible problems with images

___ Images not taken at same time: Unclear that the images are of the same location; and unable to use sun-angle movement as an indication of latitude

___ Images taken during different seasons, zones, or regions; but presented as a group of photos of the same site [Many different projects from different locations have been clumped into one]

___ Markings on images [Date, time] not consistent with shadows, sun position for those geographic coordinates

___ Using navigation aids, geographic coordinates of the asserted location not consistent with the shadow length or shadow angle

___ Reported terrain/foliage not from region asserted in photo [photo labels not consistent with photo contents]

___ Time/size of trees expected growth rates not consistent with time road constructed, first used [Implausible: Trees were planted in a line before the road was conceived]

___ Trees depicted in images not present in geographic zone

___ Typical foliage, terrain, industrial areas, sediment, soil composition not consistent with image contents

___ Images depict something else than what publicly believed

___ The images have been provided as a ruse with incorrect names, locations

___ Incorrect images have been posted to lure observers to area, and collect information about those who are monitoring the facility

___ The images are from completely different locations, not of what is believed; or from many different locations

* * *

Reconfirming the Details in the Photograph

A. Photo Analysis

These are the steps to review the images, cross reference the shadows, estimate the geolocation coordinates, and compare to the asserted location.

1. Identify the location, time, and seas of each photograph
2. Determine where the photos are from
3. Determine whether the photos are from the same geographic region; or from different regions
4. Identify the purpose of the grouping

B. Verifying the image location

This section shows how to estimate the angle the sun is located; then calculate the estimated geolocation on earth. This information can be compared to the asserted image contents, and compare whether there are significant deviations between [a] where the image was most likely taken; [b] the physical location of the objects in the image; and [c] the location where the image is said to have been taken

- A - Identify location on earth

___ Identify known plants, physical structures [Ex: Door]

___ Estimate building heights

___ Estimate sun position, angle

- B - Estimate time of year

___ Identify type/style of trees

___ Cross reference with leaf pattern

___ Review growth rates of trees

C - Estimate Tree height

___ Calculate height using angle

___ Cross reference with time of day

D – Review construction records

___ Identify size of tree at seedling

___ Calculate growth rates

___ Estimate construction time of boulevard

Sun Dials

___ Cross reference geolocation with sundials at similar latitudes

___ Compare the shadow patterns of images with sundial angles

* * *

Analyzing the Trees

The images depict foliage that may or may not be growing in the image. This section shows how to compare [a] the apparent foliage in the image with [b] the parameters of that foliage.

___ Range of trees similar to the shadow patterns

___ Review specifications of tree: Maximum size, usage, max/min temperature tolerances

___ Comparison between tree specifications, terrain features, max/min temperatures for the region

___ Compare known trees in known parks with depicted images

* * *

Checking the Image Legend/Scales

Its possible to use the horizontal component to calculate the size, dements of the facility; then compare to industry standards. Total square footage can be translated into construction project milestones, estimated time to complete [start-stop dates] and total construction costs.

___ Calculated shadow-length not consistent with scales provided

___ Assumed horizontal components of shadows [from sun-angle calculation] not consistent with the stated size of the facility

___ Assumed horizontal components of shadows generate facility size far different that most likely facility utilization

* * *

Ref Sun Dials.

Ref Converting long/lat to Sun Dial.

Altitude: SunShadow Calculator

Baed on the door size of the hospital, we judge the hospital
is 21 feet high. The approximate angle of the sun, assuming the image is correctly aligned is roughtly 37-degrees [top left corner to ground, without adjustment]; assuming the data is correct 24 Mar2006 .

\ I
\I 180-37 = 143, or about 10:25AM
\ or about 42 deg alt

The interesting thing at 42 degress, is that
the building height and the building shadow are approximately the same. You can use this calculator, and do the reverse calculations: [ Ref ]

- Enter 42 degress for altitude;
- Change the shadow length until you get about 21 feet
- Shadow length is about 23, or about the same, just longer.

This creates a conversion: Shadow length to approximate height.

Object Shadow Length: [Enter: 23 ](unit-independent)
Apparent Altitude of the Sun: ___ 42 ___

Height of Object is ____ 20.71 ___ units

Using crude math, if we use Tan theta = opposite/adjacent
= 21/23
= 0.913043478

Ref Enter 0.913043478; Answer: 42 42.397438

Ref Shadow length Calculator [Enter apparent height of structure; and calculated Sun altitude]

Ref Converting Location [ Long-Lat ] into Altitude/Azimuth for a specific day.

Sample Output

o , o ,
W106 19, N42 50

Altitude and Azimuth of the Sun
Mar 24, 2006
Mountain Standard Time

Altitude Azimuth
(E of N)

h m o o
05:00 -12.0 76.5
05:10 -10.2 78.3
05:20 -8.4 80.1
05:30 -6.6 81.8
05:40 -4.8 83.5
05:50 -2.9 85.2
06:00 -1.1 86.9
06:10 1.1 88.6
06:20 2.8 90.3
06:30 4.6 92.0
06:40 6.4 93.7
06:50 8.2 95.5
07:00 10.0 97.2
07:10 11.8 98.9
07:20 13.6 100.7
07:30 15.4 102.5
07:40 17.1 104.3
07:50 18.9 106.2
08:00 20.7 108.1
08:10 22.4 110.0
08:20 24.1 112.0
08:30 25.8 114.0
08:40 27.4 116.1
08:50 29.1 118.2
09:00 30.7 120.5
09:10 32.2 122.7
09:20 33.8 125.1
09:30 35.2 127.6
09:40 36.7 130.1
09:50 38.0 132.7
10:00 39.4 135.4
10:10 40.6 138.3
10:20 41.8 141.2
10:30 42.9 144.2
10:40 44.0 147.3
10:50 44.9 150.6
11:00 45.8 153.9
11:10 46.5 157.3
11:20 47.2 160.9
11:30 47.7 164.5
11:40 48.2 168.2
11:50 48.5 171.9
12:00 48.7 175.6
12:10 48.8 179.4
12:20 48.7 183.2
12:30 48.6 187.0
12:40 48.3 190.7
12:50 47.9 194.4
13:00 47.4 198.1
13:10 46.8 201.6
13:20 46.0 205.1
13:30 45.2 208.5
13:40 44.3 211.7
13:50 43.3 214.9
14:00 42.2 218.0
14:10 41.0 220.9
14:20 39.8 223.8
14:30 38.5 226.5
14:40 37.2 229.2
14:50 35.7 231.8
15:00 34.3 234.2
15:10 32.8 236.6
15:20 31.2 238.9
15:30 29.6 241.2
15:40 28.0 243.3
15:50 26.4 245.5
16:00 24.7 247.5
16:10 23.0 249.5
16:20 21.3 251.5
16:30 19.5 253.4
16:40 17.8 255.2
16:50 16.0 257.1
17:00 14.2 258.9
17:10 12.4 260.7
17:20 10.6 262.4
17:30 8.8 264.2
17:40 7.0 265.9
17:50 5.2 267.6
18:00 3.5 269.3
18:10 1.7 271.0
18:20 0.1 272.7
18:30 -2.3 274.4
18:40 -4.1 276.1
18:50 -5.9 277.8
19:00 -7.7 279.6
19:10 -9.5 281.3
19:20 -11.3 283.1

Solar Noon Calculation Ref

Ref Sample Output: Casper, Assume -- 107W

Ref Converting Moon shadows into lengths; apply same approach to Earth, different diameter.

* * *

This section summarizes the above calculations

It’s possible to convert an image into a three-dimensional rendering, which can be rotated on any axis.

One problem with looking a satellite image is that the measurement axis cannot be easily translated into the provided measurement axis. Although a photograph of a building may not be from directly overhead, it is possible to rotate the image and make direct measurements of the items of interest. A shadow extending from a building can be converted into any of the x-y-z components.

For example, the image of the Medical Facility is taken from south-west to north-east; the satellite is to the left of the medical facility, looking down, to the right. The scale on the image is only approximate. The shadow extending from the Medical Facility has three components. Using the scale provided, the shadow image would be underestimated in length. The shadow image, taken from an angle, will appear shorter/smaller than if taken from directly overhead. The units and length have not changed; the only difference is the angle of the distance.

The remainder of this discussion shows how to translate the images into various components.

It’s possible to convert the shadow length, and calculate the hypotenuse of an angle; and also the perpendicular length of the shadow on the north-south axis. Use a raw image, its possible to estimate the

- Angle of the Azimuth [angle from the horizontal, going clockwise; or the angle, looking south from the left/east horizon to the position of the sun]
- The hypotenuse of the shadow
- The altitude angle of the sun

Using the angles of the building and dimensions of the shadows relative to the sun, it’s possible to calculate the position of the satellite taking the image

Finding the Azimuth From Building Shadow

The Azimuth in the Casper printouts is the angle from the horizontal, going clockwise. This can be calculated by measuring the angle of the shadow from the corner of the building farthest from the sun’s direction. In the case of the Medical Facility, it is the upper-left corner.

Because the satellite was not directly overhead, this measurement will not be exact, but will be good enough.

Draw a line from the top-left corner of the building to the top left corner of the building’s shadow. This angle is approximately ___ 37-degrees ____.

I \

On this day, for Casper, the approximate
altitude of the Sun is ____42 ___ degrees

Using trigonometry, it’s possible to convert the angles into dimensions.

A 42-degree Sun-angle [above the horizontal] coverts to a 48-degree angle at the top angle of the triangle, extending from the building:

[Looking south, from north face of Medical Facility]

I ` 48 deg
I `
I `
\ `
\ `
\` 42 deg

Using the altitude angle it’s possible to calculate
the shadow length.

Recall what we did: We forced the shadow-input length to create a 21 foot pole; and had to input about a 23 foot shadow

A 21-foot high building, translates into an approximate 23-foot-horizontal component for the shadow; and a 31 foot hypotenuse [a2 + b2 = c2].

(21)2 + (23)2 = 31 2
441 + 529 = 970

sqrt 970= 31

[Looking east, from north side of building]

31 / I 21
/ I

* * * *

Let’s rotate the image of the shadow, from an x-y orientation, to an overhead, using a polar coordinate system.

There are two conversions required: One is from the azimuth angle that we’ve measured, and then converting the angle of the triangle, to a length:

[Facing north; Looking down on NW corner of building]

\ I
\ I
\ I
_________ _\I________________

\ I
h \ I a
\ I

What we’re doing is looking a triangle with three sides:

- a: Is the adjacent side
- h: Is the hypotenuse
- o: Is the opposite side

[Overhead image; polar coordinates]
\ I
h \ I a
\ I
__________ \ I________________

[Same angle, but looking south, from north
side of building, with the 42 and 48 degree angles marked]

I\ 48 deg
I \
I \
I \
_____I___ \_42__deg_______

The Building height is

Sin (theta) = opposite/hypotenuse

Theta is the altitude angle, which is 42 degrees
The height of the building is 21


Sin (42) = opposite/hypotenuse
Sin (42) = 21/h

h = 31

In the polar coordinate system, the 37-degree
azimuth converts to a 53 degree angle on this triangle.

* * *

Deriving Equations For Shadow Angles

If we look at the corner shadow, from the north side looking south, something interesting happens. There’s a way to calculate the perpendicular distance of the shadow, and eliminate the extra length associated with the angle of the sun.

At the corner, where we took the measurement for the Azimuth, the actual length of the shadow from the building is longer, and at an angle, than the perpendicular distance.

It’s possible to calculate the perpendicular distance.

\ I
h \ I a
\ I
__ __37__\ I________________

Combining the two angles and images from
the polar coordinates, we’ll add the new length, and the Azimuth, then rotate the image

We have a 37 degree angle; and a 23-foot long ground component to the 31-hypotenuse.

\ 37deg I
\ I
\ I
\ I O
23ft \ I
\ I
\ I
\ I

Sin (theta) = opposite/hypotenuse
Sin (Azimuth angle) = opposite/hypotenuse

Sin Az-theta = Opposite/23

Sin (37)* 23 = Opposite length

Generalizing: The perpendicular shadow length of a building is


Where theta is the Azimuth angle, and b is the height of the building.

* * *

Calculating the Base

Let’s consider the scenario: We have a shadow that is rotated, and not perfectly aligned. Our goal is to calculate the relative distance of the hypotenuse.

We know the Azimuth is 37; and the corrected angle is 53.

[Overhead image; polar coordinates]

\ I
h \ 53I a
\ I
_____37___\ I________________

AZ-Theta is (90-Azimth) = 53

Cos(Az-Theta) = a / h

Cos (Az-Theta)* h = a

Cos (90-37)* h = a, base

Substituting the equation for the hypotenuse

We have:

Cos (90-Az-theta) * (Bldg Height/sin Alt Theta) = a, base


| \
| \ h
| \
| \
__ |__42_ \____

Tan theta = o/a
Tan 42 = 12/a
a = 12/Tan 42

Base of the triangle = building height / ( tan theta-alt)

* * *

Calculating the Perpendicular shadow

The perpendicular shadow:

\ 37deg I
\ I
\ I
\ I O
23ft \ I
\ I
\ I
\ I

Sin theta = o/h

Sin37/23 = o

Perpendicular shadow = Sin [theta-z ] * (h)

Where Theta-z is the Azimuth angle.

* * *

Rough Math

Theta of 37-degrees

Height = X [unknown]

Hypotenuse = 23

Rotating the images, then sliding them until they are parallel, the approximate distance is 12 feet, or the perpendicular distance.

The base of the image, or the horizontal component of the shadow is 19.6 feet.

(12)2 + X2 = 232

144 + X2 = 529

X2 = 385

X = about 19.6

* * *

The above is subject to error, discussion, and modification. Using the above formulas, its possible to then go backwards in this image from any shadow, and calculate similar distances, then compare our findings with the scales.

The purpose of the above isn’t to say “this is the answer,” but to give us some ideas of what might be some reasonable numbers to start making some specific guesses, and determine whether the scales provided are reasonable or there is a problem.

* * *

Let’s do some checks on the above figures, and compare them with the provided scale.

Using the scale provided, let’s check the scale on the shadow.

___ Calculate the length of the shadow using the scale provided

___ Compare the scale-calculated number with the formula from above

___ Does the number make sense

___ Is the scale incorrect

___ Is there an inconsistency between the formula-number and the scale number

___ After we apply the scale to the shadow, what can we say about the implied height of the building

___ Does the implied height of the building (using the provided scale) make sense?

___ How will we have to consider the position of the satellite to explain the difference between the implied height (using the scale provided0 and the calculated number?

___ Is the number of windows or doors that we’ve assumed can fit on the wall make sense?

___ What can we say about the apparent size of the building in terms of the number of doors we’ve included in the estimate?

* * *

Longitude and Latitude Determination

There is a way to calculate longitude and latitude data from a raw photograph.

Using the following:
- 1. Time provided, calculated
- 2. Angle: Azimuth
- 3. Estimated altitude of the sun

It’s possible to do this using 5-degree increments on the Casper Program. By forcing the data, we can keep going until all three of the data points align.

By skipping back and forth between days, and noticing the season, it’s possible to make some guesses at the approximate month then day of the image.

Using the azimuth and attitude of the image, we can then go backwards into the Casper Charts, rotate the inputted longitude figure, and approximate the time and day that the image was taken. We can also guess at other things as well.

* * *

Strange things

Not all images are clean and easy to work with. They are not necessarily aligned properly; nor is the image necessarily marked with a date or a north-south axis line. Sometimes the image or negative gets rotated, reversed, or adjusted. We might be looking at an image from the southern atmosphere. Despite these problems, it’s possible to know the time and the orientation of the image.

By noticing the vegetation, terrain, and mountains, we can guess at the geography; ten find on the map sample locations that may fit the image. Then using the Casper Chart, we can rotate our planet in 5-degree increments, until the data aligns.

No matter what kind of image you get, the sun makes a distinctive shadow based on the longitude, latitude, time of day, and the physical location on earth. Even if there is an error in the image or a mismarking, it’s possible to adjust the image orientation until it fits a location, season, and terrain description that aligns all the data.

* * *

As a check on the above formulas, which may not be correct, it’s possible to covert forwards and backwards using any angle.

We can take the time-data information, and see if it is consistent with:

- Longitude-latitude data
- Azimuth
- Altitude of the sun

And see if is consistent with that location., even if the date on the satellite time stamp is not available, unreadable, wrong, or deliberately misleading. The date of the image is always knowable, regardless the image source or errors with the image orientation.

* * *

We can also cross check the assumptions about the building height with the vegetation shadows.

If a specific door is estimated to be 1/3 the size of the building, we can then use that relationship to check whether the height of the vegetation coincides with what is going on in the image.

___ Is the vegetation-size too small or too large?

___ Is the calculated building size inconsistent with the vegetation that is most likely in the image?

____ Is the vegetation height inconsistent with what is being built in the image?

* * *

Using known dimensions – based on calculations – it is possible compare the length of the shadow with the scale.

___ Is the scale consistent with the image shadows?

___ Is the calculated shadow close to the scale provided?

____ Is the shadow calculated way off from the scale provided?

* * *

For a given shadow at a specific angle, it’s possible to convert the overhead project image into a construction cost.

The building height can be calculated for all buildings and all foliages

The building capacity can be calculated.

From these numbers we can make some guesses at the time the building took to get built, and also the size of various objects that could or could not go into the building. These will not be exact, but we’ll have some idea of upper and lower limits, which can be compared to stated throughputs, capacity utilization, and other variables that management may say is occurring. Again, the goal isn’t to be exact, but to evaluate whether the stated activity is or is not consistent with what the facility can manage, control, hold, or process.

* * *

Let’s suppose that a given image, scale, and other shadows are consistent. Namely the following data, both calculated and observed, are consistent:

- Time. Date [Calculated]
- Angles [Shadows]
- Size of facility [Calculated]
- Scale [Provided]
- Month of photograph [provided in legend]

___ Why would DHS want to ensure that the data is valid?

___ Is there a reason that DHS would want to ensure consistency between (a) the scale provided; (b) the data provided; and (c) the layout

___ How will the photos be better used given this consistency?

___ Why not use drawings as opposed to photographic images?

* * *

Trees on Blvd

Based on the shape of the trees, the shadows on the ground, the shadow depth [concentration of leaves] and the shadow length, what can we say about the following:

___ What is the quality of the tree

___ Is the tree healthy

___ Is the tree short

___ What is the most likely seasons

___ What is the most likely style of tree

___ Does the terrain match what would support this tree?

___ Are the proper types of terrain, chemicals, and other things in the ground what this type of foliage would require? [Soil composition, color, quality of soil]

* * *

Calculating latitude and longitude

Recall the Casper Chart. The Chart relies on intersection of data and longitude.

___ What is we were to change the latitude; how would the results of this image change?

___ How can we determine the longitude of an image that has been incorrectly aligned; or has no data; and there is no known location?

Using the moon-crater analogy, is it possible to estimate heights, angles, azimuth, and then the time of day.

Also, using the season vegetation, we can pick 1 of the 12 months, and see if the data in the Caper Charts is close. Perhaps we have to change the longitude by 5-degrees; or change the date by another month.

See if you can make deliberate errors, and then work backwards and forward in the Casper Charts to see how far the data errors are if you skip forward and backwards a month; or adjust the longitude by 10 40 or 100 degrees.

* * *


Let’s try rotating the images and making them deliberately incorrect, or misaligned.

Let’s adjust the rotation until the time and horizontal angle changes match the time Azimuth.

There is way to determine if the image location is properly aligned with north.

The image-error-angel is the angle that the image has been rotated on the horizontal axis, and is misaligned with the proper north.

Using these three variables, it’s possible to inspect the shadows, then find a time-longitude that coordinates the following:

- Time/date of the image
- Horizontal angle of Sun
- Azimuth of Sun

* * *

Satellite Location

Using a single image, it’s also possible to determine which satellite took the image, its orientation, which orbit number it was on, and the approximate position of the satellite.

We know the approximate time the image was taken.

We can check the satellite tracks of the image provided.

The satellite has a specific position at a specific time and date.

___ Is the calculated satellite position information consistent with the information provided in the image?

___ Is the Satellite in another location?

___ Has the image been taken when the satellite was on the other side of the planet?

___ What would explain the discrepancy between the actual satellite position, the details in the image, and the data provided about the image?

___ What would someone’s reason be for providing inconsistent data?

* * *

Sensitivity Analysis

Let’s go back to the Casper Chart. Recheck your entries on the longitude and latitude data.

___ Did you use the wrong numbers for the entry on Casper?

___ What happens to the calculations if you take the extremes of Casper – what if you adjust the longitude for Casper by +/- 5 degrees?

___ What happens if you mix the longitude and latitude: How do your calculated, observed, and charted data change?

___ What can you say about the data that would help you see that there has been an error in your calculations, formulas, or image orientation?

___ Can you explain why the data does or does not change as you move along either a longitude or latitude axis?

___ Can you explain why the angel is the same or different as you move around the planet on either a longitudinal or latitudinal axis of rotation?

___ How do your results square with the satellite positions: As you adjust the longitude data for the inputted Casper:
--- where is the satellite’s new position for this image;
--- how is the calculated satellite position different from the known orbital data;
--- is it possible that the stated satellite being used is not the same as the one that took the photograph?