Constant's pations

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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

New Constitution: Announcing Active WNYC Discussion

There's a discussion at WNYC on a New Constitution. Interesting challenges.

Here is the link to the WNYC discussion, in New York: [Click ]

Other comments: [AmericaBlog] [ C&L ] [Atrios ]

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The message is simple: Time is up, it is time for Congress to do its job, or we will make them.

There is a clear objective behind discussing a New Constitution: It sends a signal that Congress needs to take action on censure and impeachment; if they don't, we're prepared to lawfully revoke their powers.

Discussing a New Constitution is appropriate and timely. This will give additional support to those discussing censure and impeachment with Congress: We're serious.

Let the Members of Congress and their professional staffers know -- there is a credible threat of a New Constitution; the discussions are in-depth; and this approach uses methods developed and written about by a Former Supreme Court Clerk, currently a professor at Yale University.

If Congress does not assert its power, we are going to lawfully revoke the powers they [a] refuse to assert; and [b] have unlawfully permitted abused.

It's that simple. The abuses are self-evident. The violations are fatally admitted. We remain determined to draft a New Constitution.

This situation will be resolved. Either:

  • A. The President is first censured then subsequently impeached; or

  • B. The Constitution will be changed to make Congress do what they refuse to do: Their jobs -- lawfully assert power, and protect our rights.

    Feel free to provide them a copy of this link which will show them that is approach is lawful and is fully consistent with our Powers to ensure our rights our protected and we are from abuse of power. [ Click ]

    Let your friends know that We the People are going to fix this mess; Congress has run out of time.

    This remains a credible, lawful threat of a change to the Federal Government's powers.

    * * *

    For backup, and a quick review before you meet with the Staff, here's a rundown of the NSA technology programs; and how we know the conduct is illegal: [ Click ]

    Here are some RNC and White House stragies to shift attention from FISA-NSA-censure-impeachment to "other things"; these are well known: [Click ]

    * * *

    Credible Threat of a New Constitution

    For other supporting information, here are some backup files to show the Staffers and Members of Congress that this is well underway, by a team working behind the scenes. They have a proven track record of being able to quickly shift resources, respond to problems, and quickly implement surprising solutions:

  • Solutions: Long string of abuses can easily be solved. Here is the sample language and philosophy behind a New Constitution. Click: Let them read it -- this is serious.

  • Issues: CLick: The range of self-evident abuses and issues which a New Constitution shall easily address.

  • Sample New Constitution Language Discussion: New Constitution Drafts under discussion.

  • Speed: Click -- The State level impeachment effort spread quickly within a matter of weeks. There's every reason to believe the same players will be just as capable of discussing a New Constitution, with equal speed and penetration.

    * * *

    As to the specific issues of contention behind censure-impeachment is the NSA. Major problem for the RNC right now: They realize that they have common ground with the other party: A need for fact finding; and legal issues have not been handled.

    Show the Congressional Staffers, RNC, and Members of Congress this information; it will show them that the RNC has a problem, and there are reasonable legal issues which warrant censure, and review by Congress with an impeachment:

  • Foundation for censure is sound, and obvious to the RNC and DNC base

    Note these discussions on the NSA issue: Click -- Notice that the disputes between the RNC and DNC membership has subsided: They see there is a common problem: The lack of information, and some serious legal issues which Congress is not addressing. Congress need to censure, and then begin an investigation.

  • Summary Legal Arguments: the President has no defense

    For a summary of the problems the RNC has, you'll note these concluding remarks: This will show Members of Congress, the RNC, and Congressional Staffers that the basis for the censure is reasonable, it is linked with prudent legal questions, and the need for additional fact finding with an impeachment investigation. The Censure is reasonable given what we know, and what the Congress and Executive have failed to defend. [ Click ]

    * * *

    Announcement: Looking for some ideas on what can be done on 22 March 2006 to get Congress to do its job?

    There's a thread on solutions to the problems with abuse of power, and failed oversight within Federal Government: WNCY Click

    - Touches on issues of the NSA, FISA, Iraq, abuse of power
    - Discusses solutions to protect rights and prevent the abuse of power
    - Proposes a New Constitution, going outside Article V


    The discussion revolves around this Yale Professor concept on We the People drafting a New Constitution, not going through the Article V process. Here is the link Click

    This approach to drafting a Constitution would put leverage on Congress to do what they should do – and let voters know that there’s no excuse for delays on matters of investigation, impeachment, and Senate review of the evidence.

    A New Constitution would strip Congress of non-asserted powers; and compel Members of Congress to do what they are not doing. Would also transform the Federal Government and create new mechanisms to challenge and investigate abuse of power and violation of rights.

    Join the Discussion, or talk about it here. Either way. It's to another site, so don't worry about someone getting "hits" if you hit the link. It's just a message board. Feel free to tell your friends. Share your thoughts on a New Constitution on Kos, Raw Story, FDL, Glenn Greenwald’s Blog, Conyers, and your own blogs.

    Consider Raising these issues

    What’s their view on a New Constitution; do they have inputs to reforms they’d like to see in a new Constitution; or do they have objections to taking this route?

    - A. What types of solutions have people raised?

    - B. Why are we waiting until November?

    - C. What type of solutions can the public work on now?

    - D. Do they see that a credible threat of a New Constitution can compel Congress to act on the NSA-FISA-impeachment issues in April 2006; or will Congress only respond after they have a New Constitution lawfully presented to them?

    - E. Do voters see that the US Congress has no excuse not to review these matters; and that the Congress will have power lawfully revoked for failing to do something that they should do?

    - F. Do voters understand that they will have seven months [7] to digest that Congress is not doing something they should do; and that new leadership is required in Congress, and that we can make informed/adverse judgments about Congress without waiting for endless investigations?

    Sample Blogs

    Here is a list of locations you may wish to raise these issues, and encourage others to realize: There is reason for hope; and the Congress can be forced to face these issues. If the Congress isn't up to the job, we can lawfully revoke their power with a New Constitution. The November 2006 election is not a factor in what does or doesn't wake up Congress -- rather, this can be done right now.

    Let your State and local officials know: We're talking about changing things to fix this problem the leadership has refused to discuss.

    Places you can go

    Think Progress: Notice how Bush Treats the Afghan Constitution -- see a pattern?
    [ Click ]

    Conyers: Discusses Magna Charta [ Click ]

    Kos [ Click ]

    Raw Story [ Click ]

    Unclaimed Territory: [ Click ]

    FDL: [ CLick ]

    FDL Archive [ CLick ]