FBI MAOP: Agents face fitness for duty examinations
Only squirt gun qualified?
The state unable to defend what is indefensible. Look at the FBI's own record. Fitness for duty:
Why does DoJ OPR not look into the matters?
Consider the Kleiman case from DHS. To what end will people go to silence those speaking out about misconduct?
The evidence is there: MI6 confirms many knew about the problems, but the threats of the bogey man continued.
Don't ask the world to believe your non-sense, especially when you lie in the courts, fabricate evidence, and do much to avoid consequences for misconduct.
How many more people do the Americans plan to threaten into silence like Newsweek; make accusations about made up problems; and silence those who dare challenge that which is unconstitutional and unlawful . . .
Simply because you refuse to regulate your own conduct?
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