Constant's pations

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Monday, April 09, 2007

GOP War Criminals Powerless To Control Pelosi

The Republican Party leadership, complicit with war crimes, has failed to comprehend their problem. Combat forces around the globe are allowed to use deadly force the enforce the Geneva Conventions.

Pelosi is the most powerful US government official. She is not required to do anything. If she does not want to give the President any money, the President, GOP, and Senate are powerless to make her do anything.

When the war criminals in the GOP understand this, then we can have a discussion about their surrender. Until they surrender, this war crimes investigation directed at them will continue.

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The GOP leadership has failed. It is reckless. The war crimes evidence has been illegally destroyed.

The GOP leadership has failed to enforce the Geneva Conventions. This is illegal. Impeachment, when removed from the agenda, is a subsequent war crime. The GOP has been complicit with efforts to block enforcement through impeachment.

GOP leaders are urged to end their illegal rebellion. It would be preferable if you were to appear, voluntarily appear, and agree to assent to war crimes tribunals. To date, you have refused. The Speaker is more powerful than the President.

She alone has the power to decide what he House will discuss, what funding will not be provided, and how war criminals in the GOP will or will not be punished with impeachment. The Speaker is also allowed, for any reason, to deny the President, GOP, and Senate any response or funding. There is nothing the GOP can do to stop this.

The GOP is powerless. There is no reason for anyone to provide funding for war criminals in the GOP. This GOP has neglected the laws of war. IT is reckless. It's leadership defies its oath. The GOP has refused to negotiate in good faith. They are criminals.

This reckless GOP has refused to pass bills or enforce the Geneva Conventions. Lack of planning on the part of the GOP does not make the Speaker beholden to the war criminals who lead the GOP.

This GOP has known about the Geneva Conventions for decades but ignores them. Rather than assent to the rule of law, the GOP puts at risk their leadership. The GOP is responsible for the reckless illegal warfare this President has been enabled to continue.

The troops are at risk because the GOP has refused to enforce the laws of war, and foreign fighters are delegated the power to engage in like abuses against the GOP Members of Congress. This is battlefield justice.

It is meaningless that the GOP leadership is concerned about. If the GOP leadership wants any credulity, it needs to appoint leaders who will negotiate the end of the President’s illegal rebellion. The GOP has refused.

It is meaningless what the Senate has or has not done. The House is not controlled by the GOP or the Senate. There is no requirement the House do anything to support more war crimes by this reckless GOP leadership. The GOP provides no rule or law that justifies confidence that more war crimes or funding is the resolution.

What the Senate hopes for is meaningless. Geneva does not permit the GOP to compel anyone to provide funding for war crimes.

The Geneva Conventions have been thwarted by this reckless GOP leadership failure to act to enforce the laws of war through impeachment and investigations. This has been known since 2001. The GOP has failed.

What the military leadership wants is meaningless. They are subject to civilian control. Civilians, not the military, decide what is best for the military.

Funding cannot be provided to war criminals. IT is irrelevant what a military officer says. The GOP failed to maintain readiness. These are issues the GOP refused to address while complying with the Geneva Conventions. It is too late for the GOP to blame anyone but the failed, reckless leadership who remains under investigation for war crimes. This President and other government officials are the targets of this ongoing war crimes investigation.

The GOP leadership has disrupted the Constitution illegally. The GOP has adversely impacted the Constitution. The readiness of the US military is secondary to the illegal orders this President has issued. The House is not required to be complicit with war crimes.

This President chose to wage illegal warfare. The GOP leadership is reckless is asserting the Speaker must assent to anything the GOP, Senate, or President wants.

The Speaker is the most powerful person in the US government. Nothing the President, Senate, or GOP does can make her do anything unless the GOP agrees to comply with the Geneva Conventions. Without action to comply with Geneva, and in the absence of a GOP agreements to surrender, the Speaker is not required to provide any funds to the GOP's continued war crimes.

The GOP should cancel all vacations, immediately recall its leadership, and come to an agreement how they plan to respond to the imminent indictments. If the GOP leadership refuses to respond to the civil process, then under the power and authority of We the People, foreign fighters have been delegated the right and authority to engage in like retaliation and abuse of GOP leadership who have engaged in war crimes.

It would be preferable if the GOP leadership surrendered to lawful authorities, or freely appeared in court to admit their crimes. Until then, foreign fighters shall expand combat operations, directly targeting the US government leadership, GOP power based, and engage in like abuses and retaliation against GOP officials.

The GOP leadership has recklessly assented to, and not enforce the laws of war in re summary executions, and illegal treatment of prisoners of war. All abuses the GOP leadership has assented to may be enforced upon them: Summary execution without trial, and no access to lawful process.

IF the GOP would like to avoid consequences permitted under the laws of war, the GOP leadership shall surrender, and accept that the President, Senate, and GOP are powerless to prevent the laws of war from being enforced. IT is up to the GOP leadership whether they freely assent to the laws of war and permit the Speaker to make decisions over who will or will not get funding; or whether the GOP leadership will accept that, in the absence of enforcement of the laws of war, it shall remain a lawful military target for destruction at the hands of foreign fighters.

Peace and civility are required. The GOP rebellion against the rule of law has outlasted reasonable justification. The GOP leadership is complicit with efforts to block efforts to enforce the laws of war; destroy evidence of war crimes; and for blocking efforts to impeach the President to enforced the laws of war. Nuremburg is precedent for linking the failure to impeach with the failure to enforce the laws of war.

The GOP shall end its rebellion. The decision is up to the GOP leadership: Whether they will freely assent to the laws through the court, enforcement, and legislative process; or whether they must be lawfully retaliated against as is permitted by foreign fighters under the laws of war.

Either way, the GOP leadership shows it is reckless and incapable of accepting We the People delegated the power to the Speaker to refuse to provide funding to the GOP's illegal war of aggression. There is nothing the GOP leadership can do to stop this expanding war crimes investigation; nor destroy all the evidence.

Each day this GOP leadership refuses to enforce the laws of war, is another day foreign fighters are emboldened to bring the fight to the heartland of the District of Columbia, and decimate the GOP and DNC leadership: They have jointly refused to enforce the laws of war.

This memo is evidence the GOP is capable of issuing a statement, but has recklessly refused to issue a similar demand to their President to have him end his illegal violations of the laws of war.

We enter into evidence the following GOP memo showing they do know how to write; and that they were able to send messages. The error was for the GOP to demand others be complicit with war crimes; as opposed to the GOP reasonable position that it demand the President resign, end illegal warfare, and assent to a war crimes tribunal:

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Rewrite for the GOP Criminals

Mon Apr 09 2007 10:28:28 ET

Today, GOP Leaders from both chambers urged President Bush Speaker Pelosi to resign call the House back into session immediately to finish its work on the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill for the troops. Speaker Pelosi neglected to appoint House conferees before the two-week break, further delaying negotiations on a final bill to enforce the laws of war. The joint letter to Pelosi is attached. Text follows:

Dear President Bush Speaker Pelosi:

We are writing to urge you to resign call the House back into session immediately so that Congress can shut down funding for your illegal activitiesfinish its work on the emergency legislation to fund the Global War on Terrorism. The GOP Sat on this bill in November while they still had control, but did not provide funding for illegal warfare. There is no reason the Speaker should do what the GOP refuses to do. This funding request has been pending since February 5, but your leadership team chose to leave town for more than two weeks rather than completing this bill. This President is a war criminal and has engaged in illegal warfare As a result, our troops have been put at risk.

We are especially troubled by the President’s illegal warfare House's failure to appoint conferees. The Senate appointed conferees on March 29, moments after passing its bill, but the House never did so despite passing the bill a week earlier. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told the Senate that he hoped the House-Senate conference would begin on March 30. That hoped-for progress has been thwarted by your failure to act.

It should go without saying that our war crimes porsecutors well understand the relationship beween impeachment and enforcding the laws of war. military leaders are in the best position to know the needs of our troops, and they have left no doubt that this funding is needed urgently. General Peter Schoomaker, United States Army Chief of Staff, has written that, "without approval of the supplemental funds in April, we will be forced to take increasingly draconian measures which will impact Army readiness and impose hardships on our Soldiers and their families." Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has also emphasized the dangers of delay: "This kind of disruption to key programs will have a genuinely adverse effect on the readiness of the Army and the quality of life for soldiers and their families." Funding for these illegal efforts is subsequent evidence of war crimes.

We, the GOP leadership, failed. Our troops need this funding, and they need it soon. The Senate is in session and ready to work. We respectfully request that you cancel the remainder of your break, call the House back into session, appoint conferees promptly, and work in good faith to pass a clean supplemental funding bill that the President can sign as soon as possible. Every day we don't fund our troops is a day their ability to fight this war is weakened.


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Mon Apr 09 2007 10:28:28 ET

Today, GOP Leaders from both chambers urged Speaker Pelosi to call the House back into session immediately to finish its work on the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill for the troops. Speaker Pelosi neglected to appoint House conferees before the two-week break, further delaying negotiations on a final bill. The joint letter to Pelosi is attached. Text follows:

Dear Speaker Pelosi:

We are writing to urge you to call the House back into session immediately so that Congress can finish its work on the emergency legislation to fund the Global War on Terrorism. This funding request has been pending since February 5, but your leadership team chose to leave town for more than two weeks rather than completing this bill. As a result, our troops have been put at risk.

We are especially troubled by the House's failure to appoint conferees. The Senate appointed conferees on March 29, moments after passing its bill, but the House never did so despite passing the bill a week earlier. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told the Senate that he hoped the House-Senate conference would begin on March 30. That hoped-for progress has been thwarted by your failure to act.

It should go without saying that our military leaders are in the best position to know the needs of our troops, and they have left no doubt that this funding is needed urgently. General Peter Schoomaker, United States Army Chief of Staff, has written that, "without approval of the supplemental funds in April, we will be forced to take increasingly draconian measures which will impact Army readiness and impose hardships on our Soldiers and their families." Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has also emphasized the dangers of delay: "This kind of disruption to key programs will have a genuinely adverse effect on the readiness of the Army and the quality of life for soldiers and their families."

Our troops need this funding, and they need it soon. The Senate is in session and ready to work. We respectfully request that you cancel the remainder of your break, call the House back into session, appoint conferees promptly, and work in good faith to pass a clean supplemental funding bill that the President can sign as soon as possible. Every day we don't fund our troops is a day their ability to fight this war is weakened.