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Monday, May 09, 2005

Musick Peeler and Garrett LLP show interest in Harvard Westlake Lawsuit

Reader tip: There is an Archive for the HW articles.

May 13 will be a big day for Musick Peeler and Garrett LLP, which has an interest in the Harvard Westlake Case, contributing $2,000 to Senator Daschle.

The firm hires WINBURN & JENKINS, Senate lobbyist number 41603-140, as listed with All American Patriots.

The firm has an office in the Westlake area for VC activity, headed by Gregory Patterson. The office has interest in appearnces before administrative agencies.

Expertise asserted in fair dealing related actions.

The former Ann Jurden Carey is an attorney, practicing with Musick, Peeler & Garrett in Los Angeles; her Husband Don, President of Camacho's Inc. in Los Angeles, graduated from HW in 1992.

After their Mexico Honeymoon, the announced their intention to live in Pacific Palisades.

The firm has been before the US Supreme Court in re 10-5 liability: 508 U.S. 286 (1993)

Here is a sample labor standards expemption explanation in response to the firm's inquiry on behalf of a client.