Constant's pations

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Sunday, May 15, 2005

Law enforcement memorial week

Dedicated to those law enforcement officers who cheer when civilians die.

America has a rich tradition. It stands for the rule of law.

What it does is something else.

America’s legacy is a constitution. It’s future no longer certain.

On this Spring day, we remember those who have served a noble cause. To which they were willing to comprise.

America’s law enforcement community stands upon the shoulders of great giants.

Today, we honor those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Each day, uniformed officers around the country don their uniforms, do their duty, and for some it is their last day.

For others, doing their duty is something else.

For other officers, their uniform is something more than a symbol. It is not just a shield.

They stand at the tip of a mighty spear. At the throat of those who dare to stand up for the rule of law.

It has come into fashion for law enforcement to play the victim card. To ask that the world assent to their rule.

Yet, their actions are inseparable from the abuses committed under the British Monarchy. Each day they do their “duty,” it is an excuse to find fault where there in no evidence.

Today, we remember the law enforcement officers who have fallen. Let us remember that the streets are not safe.

Not simply because America embraces terror abroad, but it practices terror at home.

The public stands with law enforcement. Bounded by a silent pact. To remain quiet about the abuses, in exchange for law enforcement inflicting only temporary punishment.

Does law enforcement deserve a special day of remembrance? Indeed, as much as those who have fallen under their spell.

This week, we honor law enforcement. This week is their week, as it is anyone else’s.

When we remember what they have done. What they have failed to do. And why they remain the scorn of America.

Are they worthy of appreciation? Respected only as foes, not friends.

Law enforcement does lie and will continue to betray the constitution.

Today, they ask that we grovel on the ground. Remember their sacrifice. Yet, what of the American citizen’s sacrifice?

Today is a great day. A fine spring day. We pay homage to the memories of those 150 officers who have fallen. That is, on average, three per state. Or one every other day. Yet consider:

  • How many American citizens have been abused in prisons?

  • How many innocent victims have been ignored?

    Today is just a reminder that there is another side to this story.

    Officers regularly rebuff complaints.

    They commit torture on prisons.

    They go overseas in harms way.

    And under the JTTF and CIFA they violate the laws of war, constitution, and international treaties.

    This was no requirement. They freely chose the profession. Yet, took it upon themselves to violate the public’s trust. Their choice. Their word. Their oath.

    Where was law enforcement when the victims really needed help? Law enforcement was there telling the rape victim that they deserved it.

    Where was law enforcement when citizens identified security threats? Law enforcement was there interrogating those who dared to sound the alarm.

    Where was law enforcement when the constitution drew a line? Law enforcement was on the wrong side of the line.

    Where was law enforcement when there were facts to be presented in court? Law enforcement was there testilying.

    Where was law enforcement when evidence was to be admitted? Law enforcement was there providing doctored videos.

    Time and time again, law enforcement is doing the wrong thing.

    This is not simply a “management problem.”

    This is a leadership problem. Yet, the leaders need not look anywhere else but the constitution for their guidance.

    Along with caselaw, policy guidance, and oversight there is plenty of assistance for law enforcement.

    Yet, what does law enforcement do?

    They make up stories. Create excuses. And do what is least desired.

    Is there any sympathy for those who have fallen?

    Not from this plateau. Today is merely a reminder that law enforcement, despite its arrogance, now wants a week devoted to celebrating their abuse.

    Fine. Let us remember and celebrate the abuses. Recall the pictures of law enforcement officers-turned-soldiers who committed torture in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.

    Let us remember that is was law enforcement in the shadows of the Department of Justice that obeyed Gonzalez call for torture. There they stood, on camera, abusing prisoners in the Federal prison system.

    And they want a special week dedicated to remember those who have fallen.

    After such a long string of abuses committed upon free citizens and victims, law enforcement deserves a special week to remember who they really are.

    Bullies. Thugs. Unreliable. Not to be trusted. To which they gladly celebrate with pride.

    On America’s southern border, who is running drugs and taking payoffs? Law enforcement.

    Who is protecting us? Not law enforcement. It was only free citizens, the Minutemen.

    In America’s prisons and on the streets, who is inflicting damage and doctoring evidence? Law enforcement.

    Who is telling the truth? Free citizens.

    Law enforcement “deserves” a special week of remembrance as much as AlQueda.

    Indeed, the two are inseparable. AlQueda and law enforcement both create fictions and rely on terror to get a response.

    Both run drugs. Why? Because AlQueda and the American government embrace each other as needed enemies. To distract the world from the abuse they inflict.

    Does law enforcement deserve respect? Only as a foe would respect an arch villain.

    This week as we remember law enforcement, I recall the 9-11 twin towers falling.

    It was a great day. A culmination of years of attempting to sound the alarm. Suddenly, all that had been denied was self-evident.

    Those in the American financial reporting system who failed to do their duty were in the rubble. Along with countless others who supported a perverse system. Where they belong.

    And those who remember law enforcement this week, know that this is a time of celebration. One where we count the number of law enforcement officers gunned down. Whose lives were taken.

    Their peers stand in silence. Using this death as merely an excuse to continue their abuse.

    This week, show no sympathy to those in law enforcement who have fallen. For they have shown no sympathy, care, or compassion when the real victims came forward at their time of need.

    In turn, to those in law enforcement . . . at your time of need, you will get no sympathy from this plateau. Rather, you will get a laugh. A smile. A smirk.

    For it is your arrogance, insensitivity, and your willful failure to do your duty that invokes contempt.

    You have brought this on yourselves.

    To those who, in the weeks and months ahead, find yourselves on the battle field in Iraq, look back fondly on your days in America. Where the streets were safe. The streets were safe in spite of you.

    May your enemies on the battlefield show as little compassion to you as you have shown Americans. May you suffer a slow, agonizing retirement.

    May your pension funds get wiped out.

    May your years of excuses catch up with you.

    Indeed, on this day, they have caught up. You are now shown for what you are: On the wrong side of the law, not to be trusted, and the last institution worthy of respect.

    This week during this time of remembrance, know that you get no sympathy from this plateau.

    Keep your eyes focused on the constitution. Your real enemy. Our only ally.

    Law enforcement officers are gunned down. In the future, should any of you happen to suffer a similar fate, know that your widows and children will get no assistance from the free citizenry you abused.

    At best, a cold shoulder. At worst lawful retribution in the courts.

    Look back on history. Recall those times when the rule of law was most needed. Where were you?

    You chose to remain silent. You chose to lie in court. You chose to not take the complaint.

    Small things, over time. They swelled.

    This week you arrogantly ask that anyone pay homage. Only your own. To your own. But not from this plateau.

    May you continue to experience the same callous disregard you have shown others.

    It is curious that law enforcement likes to lecture the world to “get over it.” Yet, what of law enforcement? Why are they willing to hold onto databases in ChoicePoint?

    All that information. Why is law enforcement “holding onto” all that information?

    Indeed, they have a double standard. They want to the world to forget their transgressions; but then turn around and wave timeless innuendo as if it were a penalty worthy of public ridicule.

    There is no reason to trust law enforcement.

    This week, we remember those who have fallen and paid the ultimate price, let us also remember why they are not here.

    It is because free citizens chose to carry weapons. They chose to do something. Just as law enforcement chose to violate the law, lie in court, and make up reasons not to do their job.

    Does this make their death acceptable? Of course not. For to accept one violation of the law to remedy the cess pool in law enforcement would only celebrate their abuse with more abuse.

    We are better than that.

    I have no sympathy for law enforcement. When I see criminals and law enforcement battle it out, it is no different than letting one disease fight another.

    This is more than a public relations problem. More than a leadership problem. It is a disease in the culture. On that celebrates violating the law to uphold a perverse justice.

    The flaws of the criminal justice system are known. Are clear. And linger as does the waste from cess pools.

    But just as New York City installed a sewer system to clean up the cities and combat disease, so too can there be similar transformations within law enforcement.

    But it will only come from without. For law enforcement has brought on themselves. And choose to lobby to have no change, no consequences, and more lying and cover-ups.

    Yet turn to our leadership. They act confused and dazed. What is their response? They demand solutions from others.

    Yet, the solutions are already clear. In writing. Free for them to read. It is called the Constitution.

    Something this leadership is slow to embrace. Glacial to defend. And unworthy of defending.

    Despite the clear guidance in the constitution of what should be respected, law enforcement chooses to do otherwise. It makes up stories. It creates fiction. It does what it can to protect itself from oversight.

    That is not honor. Nor courage. Nor works that inspire public confidence.

    What should we be celebrating on this day? It is the foe of law enforcement: The Constitution and Civil Rights attorneys. Those who dare stand up to this abuse. Those who know the 42 USC 1983 caselaw. And those who gather the evidence of law enforcement abuses.

    Those are the real heroes. Worthy of respect. Not just a memory and legacy, but a foundation.

    The real heroes are those who, despite the law, are threatened with silence. Those who are willing to put their personal safety at risk to ensure the constitution is preserved, not just given lip service.

    The real heroes are the attorneys in the United Kingdom who were the real ones who put the pressure on the American government to account for Abu Ghraib.

    Recall, it was the American attorneys were the ones who went before the US Supreme Court and lied. Made up fiction. Said there was no torture going on. Despite what was on the CBS tapes. How quaint that the Chief of Staff asked them to hold off just a few more weeks. So that more frauds could be committed upon the court.

    The real heroes are those who, despite the green light to commit torture, were the ones in Abu Ghraib who dared e-mail home their second thoughts about the abuse and torture.

    Today, we remember those law enforcement officers who, despite the failed management systems, continued to do their job.

    Is it their fault that the American constitution is only given lip service?

    Is it the fault of law enforcement that they have a system wide leadership problem?”

    Is it the fault of law enforcement that they have such low respect that the FBI would know they could bribe them to run drugs across the Southwestern United States border?

    Is it the fault of law enforcement that they are rewarded for lying in the court, and face no consequences if they abuse free citizens?

    Of course its not their fault. Law enforcement only can take credit for the good things. If there’s a problem, they blame the public. Blame the free citizens. Blame the informants. Blame anyone, but never embrace accountability or responsibility.

    Who does law enforcement trust the most? Their own mafia connections to “take care” of the uncooperative informant.

    Who does law enforcement turn to when it has a credible threat of 42 USC 1983 claim? That’s right: It calls up their friends in corporate America to inflict terror and abuse on employees, free citizens who dare call it like it is.

    Who does law enforcement turn to when it gets tips from the newspaper about citizens who know the games law enforcement plays? That’s right: To street thugs.

    This is no different than prison life. In prison, when one of the guards wants to impose consequences on an “uncooperative” inmate, the prison guards will make up stories and tell them to another prisoner.

    Someone who is easily manipulated. One with a small mind. One who enjoys bullying. Because the bullies like to stand together. In prison. And in law enforcement.

    As allies. Against the constitution. And free citizens.

    Today isn’t any different than 9-11: When the buildings fell down, it was self-evident much failed.

    Today, we know much is failing in law enforcement. They have recruitment problems. They have to pay more money to induce people to compromise their integrity. And there is a continuing training problem.

    What is most absurd is that law enforcement will lie, even on tape in their own interrogation rooms. As if the evidence will not see the light of day.

    The Field Training Officers [FTOs] teach the new recruits how to lie to get out of 42 USC 1983 claims. Local officials know that the tapes can be altered. Indeed, fabricated video evidence was presented to Federal Courts to justify unlawful detentions. It remains to be seen whether the New York state bar sees it within their busy schedule to investigate the Manhattan DA over the fabricated video evidence.

    And who was it that harassed free citizens in Nebraska when they spoke out about the Patriot Act?

    That’s right: Two plain clothes officers from the F-Troop intelligence unit in North Platte, Nebraska. Strange, they drove all the way across the state to the Nebraska State Capitol to “make their point.” Small problem: Now the world knows about the arrogance law enforcement shows toward free citizens exercising their constitutional rights.

    And what of this Patriot Act? It is no different than the Alien and Sedition Acts. Another set of laws which Congress passed without reading. Acts which once again violate the constitution.

    What does law enforcement do? They go to the Philadelphia US Attorney to ask her to write up a set of talking points about the Patriot Act.

    Who parroted these talking points? Not Van Dinh, the former US Attorney assigned to Georgetown. He helped craft the Patriot Act before 9-11.

    Law enforcement has a “green light” to violate the constitution. To interrogate people in San Francisco. To harass photography students like Ian Spears in Washington State.

    Yet, what of law enforcement? They abuse their own agents as they accuse Kleiman. She dared speak of the DHS abuses and misconduct.

    Time and time again, law enforcement covers up its own abuses. Yet where is the free citizen?

    Law enforcement checks our private data in ChoicePoint. And private investigators use to harass.

    What is to be done when information is doctored in the prison system; when reports are backdated; when prisoners are abused simply because they are witnesses to law enforcement misconduct, torture, and harassment of prisoners?

    The three branches of government play this game of “do not interfere with me.” That is not democracy. That is three branches of tyranny.

    What is to be done?

    There needs to be a fourth branch of government. One that is the people’s branch. One that is directly responsible and accountable to the people. One that has direct oversight of the other three branches.

    There needs to be more no-notice field inspections of FTOs by state auditors.

    There needs to be more meaningful public discussion of the DoJ OPR findings.

    There needs to be better public discussion of the FBI agent misconduct reports, dismissals, and non-compliance.

    There needs to be more of a public outcry when the public is not given the chance to file a complaint as is a constitutionally protected right.

    What is to be done?

    There need to be independent agencies that are responsible for the tape recording and monitoring of law enforcement.

    Law enforcement cannot be trusted to monitor themselves.

    We have tapes monitoring the nuclear weapon facilities of our own citizens.

    Why not have the same monitoring system in the police headquarters. So that the discussions can be admitted.

    Citizens are subjected to surveillance. So too should law enforcement be held to the same level of intrusion.

    Free citizens are presumed to be guilty of something. How else do we explain the arrogance of those assigned to the Los Alamos security details.

    In turn, the tapes from the briefing room, interrogations, and the Chief’s phone calls should be public records, just as they documents, e-mails, and listening devices.

    This week the nation will remember law enforcement officers. Remember who they really are.

    They will lie, betray, take away your rights, and threaten you with death.

    You may even be killed. Simply because you choose to exercise your rights.

    As protected under the constitution. That document. To which they swore an oath.

    This week is a time to remember what law enforcement is capable of doing. And what free citizens choose to do in response.

    Do we advocate violence against law enforcement? Of course not.

    This nation has a constitution. It remains to be seen whether law enforcement will preserve or destroy that document.

    Law enforcement is not your friend. And this week, they deserve little sympathy. Especially as they jeer at the death of free citizens.