Constant's pations

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Thursday, May 26, 2005

War crimes: Bush and Rice Meeting

Remember the photographs of Rice and Bush on the helicopter. Recall that just two weeks prior to SECDEF issuing the Jun04 guidance, Bush and Rice shared a helicopter flight to the Army War College.

Recall that with the Goering indictments, those civilians who were part of the effort to mobilize the nation were held accountable.

Many know about what is going on. Those who have pictures of others meeting with the President have important information.

They form the circle of accountability: Mobilizing for aggressive war, abbrogating treaties.

  • What was discussed?

  • Who had influence?

  • What was agreed to?

  • Who were the associates?

    This can be known. The flight was on a Marine One. There are recordings. It is copied. Intercepted.

    It remains outside the White House control.