Constant's pations

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Monday, April 11, 2005

Guantanamo E-mails reveal Senior Officer scandal

The e-mails are explicit. Their defense? Apparently they don't read them.

Why does DoD pride itself on "cutting edge technology" that its senior leadership claims "it doesn't use"?Just when Marion Spike Bowman was getting wide praise for cleaning up this mess.

Spike, did you forget to clean up the e-mails?

Things are so bad, that they had to bring in the Army IG, and can't trust the NAVY IG to do the job. Mind you, why would we trust the Army either. These were the buffoons that committed the abuse in Abu Ghraib and Afghanistan.

Looks like there have been plenty of errors, not just in the misconduct but in the subsequent investigation, discipline, and long term legacy.

Wasn't Rumsfeld saying that things were fine, and that there was great leadership in DoD?

Don't forget that the NAVY's template was originally linked inside an FBI document, yet there was no apparent interest by the Congress. How many other notifications weren't made where required?

Oh, that's right. CIFA and JTTF [the goons inside FBI for that matter] are linked to this. Why be surprised.

Is the US involved in the Harriri investigation as much as it was "concerned" with the Schaivo [or Schiavo] case? And which staffer actually wrote the memos that "things were fine" in Guantanamo -- Spike Bowman and the GOP General Counsel got something to hide?