Don't Wait for '08
Enforcing the Oath of Office Against Senators
The oath of office means removing a President when he's caused this much damage. How much evidence of incompetence, maladministration, and criminal activity do they need? If the Senators don't think this is wrong, then they need to be reminded: They're wrong.
Please contact your state officials and attorney general asking that they prosecute Senators who refuse to remove the President from office. Don't wait until the Senators vote during the conviction phase of impeachment; start prosecuting them now: 5 USC 3331.
All Members of Congress are required to take an oath. Amazing what Members of Congress view as having fully asserted their oath, or protect the Constitution.
Our Constitution shall be protected by oath. When Members of Congress ignore their oath, leaving the duty to protect the Constitution to We the People, there is no reason for anyone to listen to the Republican party whine, "This is a partisan effort."
No, this is a movement by We the People to do what the US Government refuses to do: Preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution against the domestic enemies on the Republican side of the aisle in the Senate.
The Senators need to convict the President for war crimes and remove him from office; or the Senators who refuse to convict need to be prosecuted. State attorney generals can lawfully target for prosecution Members of Congress: They have failed to ensure the States are guaranteed an enforcement mechanism for the Constitution.
Either the President goes; or the complicit Senators and Members of Congress go, then the President goes. We don't have to wait until the elections to change the leadership. The November 2008 election is not the "next" opportunity; it is possible to have immediate mid-course adjustments through prosecutions of complicit Members of Congress.
What You Can Do
Please contact your friends and encourage them to lawfully target for prosecution at the State level all GOP Senators who refuse to convict and remove this President from office.
Don't Wait for '08
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