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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Got a call from a Democratic Candidate?

This is an Archive of the Robo-Call reports and links from TalkingPointsMemo, AmericaBlog, Crooks and Liars, and the open media.

Ref Sample recording [Allen]

Ref Summary: The RNC has been calling DNC voters during sporting events, hoping to annoy them, and think the DNC was being irresponsible.

[Many links added/reorganized; May be updated without notice]

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Poll Monitors

Ref Legal guide for bloggers, poll monitors, and others watching the poll exits.

Legal Action

Ref DNC Lawsuits prepared.

Ref NH Attorney General action.

Ref Cease and Desit Letter, Indiana: GOP admits link between Robo-calls and GOP: Fires firm engaged in conduct.

NRCC admits to illegal calls, but says state law doesn't apply to them, like the President and Attorney GEneral said about State privacy laws. Ref

Federal Oversight

Ref FBI investigation, VA.

Ref Conyers letter calling for investigation.

Ref Spreading across state lines; calls for FBI to investigate -- Don't wait for the lazy FBI to do something, get the Congressional committees, GAO, and DoJ OPR moving to probe into what the White House and DOJ-FBI failed to do: Enforce the law.

Media Coverage

RoboCall Newsalerts: [ Share With Others ]


NY radio

NYT has coverage. Ref: CNN covering the issue.

Chicago Tribune Blog has it covered.

RNC lobbyists making bogus calls to annoy you: $5,000 fine Details

Robo-Call Incidents

Ref Using opposing candidates' voice in the robocall to confuse voter.

Ref WA state.

Video: Kansas

There are more reports in many states: At least states including Kansas Ref

Tobin ]

Unconformed accusation: Ref

Other Accounts

Voter Outreach, Mitigation

Poll Monitoring DOJ and FBI deployed to monitor polls Ref [Report problems: 866-OUR-VOTE and 888-SAV-VOTE ] Lawyers Deployed, Ready

If you would like to discuss this issue, meet here for a chat Ref; and remind others that the State Attorney generals are willing to assert the rule of law against a sitting President.

Original Action Alert

If you are annoyed by your democratic candidates calling you, you're in for a surprise. The calls are actually from the RNC. Ref Here's a sample alert by a DNC candidate: Ref

Get the details of the call, and encourate your friends to pass the word. Editors are looking for infromation to do a story on this. If yo uhave something this evening, that would be helpful, they can get it on their website.

Monday's print editions will be an option, and the FBI, if the weather cooperates, might look at the issue.


___ Record: If it is legal to record phone calls where you live, put your telephone answering machine on record; and record the incoming call. How to record the phone calls: Ref

___ Listen, notice whether the incoming message clearly identifies who is making the call: Ref AP: "FCC rules say all prerecorded messages must 'at the beginning of the message, state clearly the identity of the business, individual, or other entity that is responsible for initiating the call.' During or after the message, they must give the telephone number of the caller."]

___ Transcribe: If you can, type in some key words related to your phone call, and see if someone else has posted that particular call online. Type the exact words into a search engine or blog search tool, and you'll find others.

___ Time: If you hang up, and the machine calls back, document the time they are calling.

___ Trace Number: See if you can use your caller ID to trace the number; look it up on the internet; and share with your friends any details or information you find about who is making the call.

Spread the Word: GOP Scams Spreading

Tell your friends the RNC hopes annoy DNC voters. There have been convictions linked to the White House.

___ Monday: Politely complain to the FCC, if you think the calls to you are illegal, complaining about illegal phone calls: (202-418-1440, phone; 202-418-0232, fax.) Ref

___ Sun, Mon, Tue: Call the NRCC (202-479-7000) politely telling it to STOP IT! Try - 12 cents a call, no minimum. Ref

___ Investigate: Ask the law enforcement officails to find out where they got the phone lists from; and how these lists were screened using the RNC-NSA-Rove voter lists.

* * *

Poll Monitoring Ref [Report problems: 866-OUR-VOTE and 888-SAV-VOTE ]

___ Giving incorrect voter-polling locations, times, details. Ref

___ Have your yard signs been stolen: Report that to the police. Ref

___ Get photos of the RNC signs equating democracy with terrorism: Ref

___ Watch out for bogus voting lists: RNC judicial candidates presented as if they are DNC voting lists; RNC is targeting DNC voters, but not mentioning the presented list is RNC candidates. Full account TPM

___ Watch for deceptive mailings: Information presented as if from the DNC, but actually from the RNC-favored lobbyists. Recommends voter action on issues, but contradicing the DNC positions. Account Ref