Constant's pations

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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Pope Darth Benedict Vader II

Scene 1: Obi Wan and Yoda; interior.

Cardinal Obiwan

Grant him the benefit
of the doubt?

Cardinal Yoda

Much doubt there is.
Within the soul
great darkness, indeed.

Scene 2A: Han Solo, C3PO, and R2D2; POV Millenium Falcon

Cardinal Han

I have a bad feeling about this . . .

Cardinal C3PO

I don't like it
when he says that.

Cardinal R2D2


[* = Just this once,
I agree, Cardinal C3PO]

Scene 2B : Leia, Luke; Millennium Falcon eating area

Cardinal Leia


Cardinal Luke

. . .lost so much. . .

Cardinal Leia

Look who's

Store Wars - Bart Wars - Meatrix

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  • Pope
    First use history note: Constant's Pations first published "Pope Darth Benedict Vader II," on 20 April 2005; someone else, unknown to me at the time, coined and created "Benedict Vader on 19 April 2005." Technorati: History More: Darth Benedict Benedict xvi