Constant's pations

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Monday, October 18, 2004

DoJ looks at its role as lobbying -- wow, too bad they don't listen

Lately, DoJ has been doing more lobbying. They'd have more credibility if they showed they were willing to listen.

We're not talking about being disagreeable. Rather, its a simple matter of the constitution.

If DoJ wants to credibly go before CEOs and ask that corporations "do the right thing", DoJ needs to examine it's own track record.

DoJ's idea of negotiations is to tell it like it is, then change the rules to get their way, and forget the constitution if they can get away with it.

DoJ one problem corporate America has is the regulatory regime. One that has two sets of rules: One for the government, and another for "everyone else."

If DoJ really wants America to rally its great intellectual power to meet the nation's law enforcement needs, then the least we could ask is that DoJ meet us halfway.

You know, that place called "the Bill of Rights." The starting point is not the signal to chip away at the founding document; the Bill of Rights is not to be negotiated.

Corporate America needs to use the face time with DoJ to remind them: The constitution remains in place, if you want help fighting crime, help us ensure the constitution is preserved.

DoJ has a big credibility problem. Corporate America can use this leverage when DoJ most needs help. They've long ignored "the little guy."

When will the corporate boards have a conference with the CEOs?

Don't lobby American corporations, when DoJ's idea of lobbying is to shout first and ignore the constitution.