Gonzalez US Attorney Appointments for GOP Attorney Campaign Contributions
Gonzalez Direct Appointments and Attorney Lobbying
Ref Gonzalez was reported in the e-mails as being associated with the meetings.
Recall it was a priority for the DOJ Staff to retain the appointment power they obtained under the Patriot Act.
Attorney standards of conduct prohibit attorneys providing funds in exchange for appoitnemetns. Ref The issue in light of Abramoff:
___ How would Rove and the GOP circumvent this rule, allow attorneys to provide funds, and use the "pay to play" rule to assign prized US Attorney/Judicial appointments to GOP counsel in exchange for campaign contributions?
___ Who was on the appointment list which Gonzalez provided?
___ Which law firms and attorneys, in exchange for GOP political campaign contribugtins, were added to the Attorney Generals direct appointment list?
___ How many of the appointments did Gonzalez make that were linked with funding flows Abramoff knew about; and involved laundering money between law firms, DOD contracts, and the phony GOP shell companies Lam had targeted?
___ Which counsel in echange for providing funds to these money laundries, were rewarded with direct appointments?
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